your travel story starts here
We believe travel planning isn't just point and click based on online reviews from random strangers, it can be daunting and costly to get right. That's where we come in!
We're not your typical travel consultants. Our mission is to plan a trip you'll never forget. By taking the time to get to know you and your personal travel style, we'll use our first-hand destination knowledge, global contacts and resources to create a stress free tailor-made experience just for you!
We've made it our business to know the world... so wherever you want to go, we can't wait to help you get there!
work with us!
The Best Luxury and Adventure Travel Experiences
We have the knowledge, time and resources to plan your dream vacation
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Plan your trip with our experts
We believe exceptional experiences are everything at Live Longitude Travel. We take the time to learn about you and understand your personal travel style. From there we take great care in crafting an itinerary to match you with the right destinations, accommodations, guides and experiences. Anyone can plan a trip, not everyone can plan a great experience.
Leave the planning to us and let us show you the difference of what a truly great vacation can be!